The buzzing of my cell phone blurs your number into view
My heart stutters.
My anger dwells itself into confused tears.
And yet, there's a single butterfly that flutters in your name.
My brain yells to delete you from my life, but my fingers type a reply.
The memories flood your face, your lips, your touch into mind.
But then the knife drives your backstabbing ways into my soul.
There goes that buzzing of my phone; the flashing of your number takes over the screen.
And I re-read the lie that you've told me a million times.
Three little words typed onto my screen, those three words that slipped from your lips had been set free.
You don't even consider her or my feelings; you tempt me to come back as a secret.
You tempt me to be the other one at you hip, kissing those lips that she kissed.
You tempt me to run back with open arms to fall for you lies a third time.
Those three little words bring temptations into mind.
My heart stutters, and my fingers cry to reply.
I look at your number, your name on this screen.
I re-read the lies that you still managed to type
So I slide at your name and click delete.