
"Who is that girl?"

"I hear she's pretty cool"
"I hear she's got a boyfriend"
"I hear she's another tool"
"Wow you're gorgeous" 

"Wow you're popular"

"Wow you're so amazing"
"I love your personality"

Define Yourself

Define who you really are!

You'll probably call yourself just another writer

Or that girl who sits in the back of the class

Or that boy who smiles and laughs at the teacher's jokes.

Or that kid who wears the hoodie all the time.

Or that adult who smiles and says hello to everybody.

That person who brings the light from a cloudy day.

That person who brings the dark into a sunny day.

We all define ourselves in many different ways.

So why do we let others define ourselves for us?

"Ugh, Becky, did you see that one girl who did this thing that's totally sucky? She's so ugly"

Says who? 

Why are we defined as something from a rumor that was started by writing on the wall of our bathroom stalls

Or that one guy who just doesn't know when to stop lying.

I say we stop listening to others and listen to our inside voices.

Deep down each of us believe we are perfect.

We are perfect in our own ways.

So why do we let others define if we are perfect, if we already know we are perfect?

You're perfect.

But don't let me define you.

Define yourself.


This poem is about: 
Our world


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