No one ever accused me of being humble
pride and ego have been my saving grace
when i feel like drowning in my own stress
defiance is what keeps me going
i challenge the right of the universe to put me down
screw the teenager aura of the trait
i will do exactly what is not expected of me
because frankly my dear, i dont give a damn
as to what i am supposed to do
for six years ive struggled at home
as my father gets released from job after job
and my sister pushes back against mental illness
and my mother unloads it all on me
six years i have battled anxiety, for two i have battled my hair
pulling it out strand by strand
weeding out the rough ones, the ones that dont fit in
by all measures i should have not fit in either.
i should have spilled out of myself and been wiped on the doormat to the future
that is school and grades and the college application process
but i didn't because i had something to maintain
something that only i could control unlike anything else in my life
my reputation.
like i said, no one ever accused me of being humble
everyday i went in with my head held high and not a speck of my turmoil showing through
that is my defiance
that is my war against the forces that seek to push me down
i will not give up
i will not let go of my dreams