The Defenders Battle The Uni-Lord
A supervillain called the Uni-Lord is terrorizing female astronauts in outer space, which is bad;
When the Defenders find out what the Uni-Lord is doing, they get mad.
The Defenders travel to outer space, as you can see;
They're gonna save the female astronauts from the Uni-Lord and I'm speaking truthfully.
When the Defenders find the Uni-Lord and the villain sees them, he tries to power blast the heroes;
The Uni-Lord has cosmic awareness, in case you didn't know.
When the Defenders avoid being power blasted by the Uni-Lord, the Silver Surfer shoots the villain with bolts of his cosmic energy;
When the female astronauts watch the Defenders battle the Uni-Lord, they're happy as can be.
When the Uni-Lord is weakened, Dr. Strange uses his magic to tie the villain up, which is cool;
When the Uni-Lord is tied up, the Hulk and Namor beat up the evil fool.
When the Uni-Lord is beaten, the Surfer grabs the villain and tosses him into the black hole, which is okay;
When the Defenders battle their enemies, they don't play.
When the Uni-Lord is gone, the female astronauts thank the Defenders, which is swell;
The Defenders go back home and that's all that I'll tell.