Dear Society
Members of community
Expectations and beliefs
What people should be
Race, age, gender,
Even what people like to do
I am 16, female, distance runner
Society uses my passion
To make me feel insecure about my body
I fell in love
With the art of distance running
Happy, healthy, strong
10,11,12 miles
Runner’s high
Peace within myself
Sickness lasting months
13 doctors
16,350 later
Chronic headaches
Running became outlet from pain
Reason I got out of bed
Through tangle of
Brain scans & blood tests
Diagnosed restless depression
As complication
Running became coping method for
Depression & anxiety
Society puts appearance first
If I didn’t run
I’d weigh a few pounds heavier,
Sad and pale face
Sleep deprivation
Society has instilled in women
Only a certain appearance
Critiqued over my size is a headache
I don't need
Mental health is on back burner
Everyone has a story and reason
Only body type that is “in”
Is one that you makes you feel
Good in your own skin,
Mentally and physically
Until this change is made
I will continue running away
From society and its
Chronically twisted views