Dear Robert
You found me in a mess,
In a battle not yet won.
Of course I'm not the best fighter,
And our love had only just begun.
The hardship I faced,
Which you too came to know,
Was only with myself.
I just couldn't let go.
Before I began my day
I would always pick a flaw.
To hold myself accountable,
To prick me like a claw.
I thought of my features
Tolerable at best.
And to my shy character
There was nothing to attest.
I filled myself with hate,
Right up to my skin,
But you stood by my side
When I swore you'd give in.
But my big nose; I thought dreadful,
You have always thought perfect.
And my awful grating laugh,
You've loved since you first heard it.
My face forever covered
In marks and scars.
Yet you look at my freckles
Like you're looking at the stars.
My legs just as thin
As the courage I have.
You've given me strength
To help change that.
My smile, perfectly framed.
My eyes like precious stone.
You are the best love
I have ever known
And it is not because I love you
That these worries are set free,
But because you love me
The way God intended I be.
Love always,