Dear Mom, Dad
Dear Mom, Dad
I see it
I see the road
Twisting ahead of me
And I see you're scared too
I see the rain clouds
And the twists
The little snares
That pull me down after the bends
I don't know
Mom, Dad
If those rocks are so small
That I will only trip
Or so big
I must climb them
But I also see
Little pockets of light
Little stars lying along the way
That I will pick up
And carry with me
Mom, Dad
Don't worry
My life will not lead up to
One big moment of contentment
It will be
Small joys here and there
That I carry always
I see your fear
Mom, Dad
I know you're scared for me
I'm scared too
You do not need to protect me from it
We must look fear in the eye
Share it with each other
And become strong together
I am sure
Mom, Dad
That I will call you one day
In tears because I am lost
And I am sure you might not
Be there to save me
But that's alright
Mom, Dad
You have taught me to stand
On my own two feet
You have taught me
What it is to fight the good fight
Without anger
When I have to go
I will follow the compass in my hand
It will be my guide
You have been my guide
Up until now
Now I will follow my own path
Who knows?
Perhaps I will carve it myself
Dig my fingernails through the dirt
Until my feet find their own way
I will walk
Mom, Dad
Past the rain clouds
In half shadow, half light
Lifting my face up to feel the freezing rain
And greeting it with a smile
As the sun warms my skin
You are scared
Mom, Dad
But fear has never stopped you before
Don't let it stop you now
If I stumble
You don't have to run to pick me back up
I am ready
Mom, Dad
I will never make up the bad times for you
But I will create the good
Just you wait
Just you watch
I am not afraid anymore
Thank you
Mom, Dad
I love you