Dear Love
Love is not what you know..
but what you learn to show..
what you feel
Love is anything..but
It's outside the box thinking that can have you trapped in a box of,
sorrow, guilt, broken, and unworthiness.....
Love is misleading and milleus yet,
amazing and delicous
Something like a powerful bittersweet taste if you will
Love can be full of mind games saying your like my puppeteer controlling me..
when really,
I'm the one pulling my own strings
playing as such a magican would
A puppet show,
where all the dolls are me and their masters wear mask of :
worry and loneliness
Behold false love stressing yourself out
Love will indeed have you in serious doubt
face it
it's You
no Smoke, Just Mirrors
it's You.
And He/She knows it too...
Your clingy.
Clinging on to the feeling of reasureance,
the feeling of being important,
the feling of being worth it,
the feeling of being what you can onlt be..
when you feel as if someone gives a d*mn
Tell me
Are you hard to find or hidden in plain site?
Are you already written or are you writing as we go?
Do you ever get exhausted with being miscalled with lust?
Are you even listening!?
All we want is to have you, to feel you, to show you,
to hold you foreve in out our hearts if we may?....
All we want is thw genuine you and that is what's hard to find..
we want to share you with one other person if we may?
Love..tell me will you ever be truly the bottom of our hearts..
to Stay?