It's Me
Dear Love,
I thought you were patient and kind,
I thought you would wait for me,
You promised me that you'd never lie.
I believed in you from the very start, but
Apparently that wasn't enough.
I guess I just wasn't enough.
Wasn't I worthy enough to recieve you?
Or even to be given a second chance?
You were beautiful, in the beginning but
Then you left, and my heart
Tiny pieces, left lying on the floor
And you know what they say about broken things,
They can never be whole again.
How could you be so creul?
I just don't understand
How something so wonderful,
could turn out so bad.
But, Love, I've just realized something.
Something that I'd rather not admit...
But maybe you're not the one to blame.
Maybe it's me.
It's been me all along.
You are patient, and kind, but I have destroyed you.
I've turned you into somethign dark,
And twisted.
I don't think I can be the person that anyone needs,
But here I am, trying to blame you for that.
But you're not the guilty one.
It's me.
The broken one