Dear Insecurity
My biggest enemy,
Always tearing myself down
Covering myself with layers upon layers of,
A mask to hide the demise of my courage, my confidance.
That word..
What does it mean anymore?
To love one self?
Or to act as though I do?
My confidance hides in the foundation, primer and contour covering my flawed skin.
The light behind my eyes are hidden by the eye shaddow and thick lashes I apply each morning.
Each morning, I step on the scale and the numbers pile on top of me until it's hard to breath.
I need to lose the weight before the asphyxiation devours me....
These are the things you have put into my head.
"I am not good enough"
"I am not smart enough, I might as well not try"
"I am not skinny, so I have to stop eating"
"I am not pretty without makeup"
You are wrong!
What makes me any less beautiful?
Any less powerful?
I have learned to fight you, for myself.
I will not look in the mirror and cry, any longer!
I will fight you, for my sanity.
For my family,
For myself..
I am beautiful, without makeup.
My body is perfect the way it is.
I am smart enough, and i will PROVE it.
I AM good enough..
I WILL prove you wrong..