Dear Happy
Dear Happy
Let me find you in the little things
Taking naps on rainy days, and laughing until I can’t breathe
Happy without reason, Happy by just purely existing
Surely you must believe I’m searching, we are all.
I long to find you
To hold onto you, and never let go
I’m learning that it’s okay to not always have you
If I always had you, I wouldn’t be able to appreciate you the way I do
You show yourself in the most unexpected ways:
A selfless act from a friend
That way your special person pulls you close into their chest
Seeing the excitement on the face of a 3 year old boy
You always manage to return, even when the demons take over.
As the the world continues with death, destruction, violence, natural disasters and injustice
You’re there
We band together- to fight these horrors of the world, and stop to realize that YOU are missing
Not just you, but your brothers and sisters too.
Joy, compassion, love, tolerance, respect.
Despite all the madness, you don’t plan to leave us.
Please don’t leave us.