Dear God...

Tue, 01/23/2018 - 17:34 -- NiNi

Dear God.. It's me, I think you know the reason for my letter.
Consider yourself reading from a troubled teen who's life seems to not get better.
They say 'Trials and Tribulations' will be over when you wake up in the morning,
but I can't wake up if I don't sleep. At night, I'm sobbing instead of snoring.
I have so many questions and being God, you have all solutions.
How come when I try to do right, I constantly go through pollution?


Did my uncle have to die? Did it have to be on my birthday?
Then another one died. God, why'd you take them in the first place?
I know they're in heaven and that's a better place for them,
but did you ever stop to think that maybe I needed them?
Instead of attending 2 funerals in a short time, I just wanted to run. 
You couldn't keep them on Earth longer? Just wait a few more months?


Speaking of waiting, why did you make us wait?
Excuse my sarcasm, but waiting on my great-grandmother to pass wasn't all that great.
"She passed away this morning" made me lose my appetite.
I don't imagine you forgot, I was talking to you while crying all night.
She couldn't digest anything, we knew it was close, she was 90 doing squats, not in a hospital bed.
However I have respect that you saw it fit for her death to bring the family together instead.


My parents separating was tough too, the list goes on and on.
They took those vows for a reason, to not do something they knew was wrong. 
Publicly they're mysterious, but if you look in their faces, their thoughts are personally violent.
Who gets the money? Who gets the kids? Around each other, my parents are silent.
I shouldn't have to go back and forth from houses and choosing who to side with.
God, why make me pick one over the other? Why do I have to call dibs?!


I grew up with the kids at my old school, not being able to see them is rough.
I now have to go to a school where they don't think the 'black girl' is smart enough.
And are you gonna take my grandmother too? Because her disease is killing her!
You won't let anyone do anything about it! Why can't you just let us take care of her?
I  know I'm not privileged and my life is easier than others. 
But really God, just give love and patience to me and my mother.


Please don't mistake my harsh words for these events as lethal.
I now understand you're testing me. I used to ask why me though?
I completely trust in you, even when I ultimately don't understand all.
I may fall short, but I depend on you to stand tall.
I'll promise to try. Step by step! Day to day!
Take care of my uncles and great-grandma. Sincerely, Miss Jaye.

This poem is about: 
My family


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