Dear Everyone
I just want you to realize
I'm not who you think.
I'm not happy, mad, sad, upset,
I'm not good at rhyming
I'm not a bright ray of sunshine,
I'm not a dark cloud of despair,
I'm just me.
Picture this
You're on a boat,
The floor is moving under you,
And, furthermore - you're alone
Not a single soul around.
It's just you
Your thoughts,
Your past, present, future
Just you on that boat - floating out at sea.
Taste the salt in the air
Feel the hot summer sun
You want to share your thoughts
But you're the only one.
That's what it's like to be cast out at sea
That's a thousand miles in the shoes of Mr. Lee.
All this great stuff you want to share,
But neither means nor confidence
To get it in the air.
Everyone, that's what it's like to be me
Signed, yours truly,
-Jeremiah Lee