Dear Daughter
Dear daughter,
I am writing this to you as I am barely just experiencing life
This is so I can connect to you more as an individual
Cause I know as I get older my memories of being a teen will fade
And will be replace with the stubbornness all adults get at a certain age
You are probably wondering what so-called “Yoda advice” I am to going supply to you, today
Well, I don’t have any
Like you are right now, I am lost
But it doesn’t mean you cannot use this to dig yourself out of your hole
I am about 16-17 right now
And no, there is no dinosaurs around
I am just putting myself out there
And letting the world see me as I am
And to be honest I am scared
Your grandmother and your great grandparents don’t think I can make it in this world
They constantly remind me that a true Mexican daughter will always stay at home
I don’t want that for you
I don’t want you to believe that you can never go far
So even though I just graduated my sophomore year of high school,
I am applying for scholarships
Everyone has always told me that I have a way with the pen
That I can create worlds and allow the reader to connect with these amazing characters
(and I hope being my daughter you will inherit that talent from your mommy, but if you don’t that’s fine)
Being a disable person that is the best thing you can hear
That you are great at something
That you are not a failure
A mistake
Once you find out what you are good at
You proudly wear it as if it was a medal of honor
But even passions will fade at some point
As you get older you will see that there are many roads to take
Singer, athlete, scientist, poet, etc.
And this can be confusing
Even I at some points thought writing isn’t for me
“well she/he is better than I am at writing”
“if I am not the best then what I am I?”
“oh! I messed up this sentence here! Why am I such an idiot!”
Life will try to make you believe that
Just because someone is better than you that
You cannot be something
And to be honest
I suffer from envy all the time
It is my greatest flaw
And I hope you never compare yourself to others like your mom did
One thing I refuse to compare to other peoples’ work was
my poetry
Oh, how I love to write epics and sonnets
Although free verse was my favorite
In free verse the is no rules to tie you down
No comma there
Or period there
None of the rules had to apply
And I loved that
All I had to do was write
About my day
Or about my feelings
I could even write about my dog if I wanted to!
With this type of writing all I have to do is be me
I cannot describe to you how amazing that is
To be free from a society that expects you to be one thing and only one thing
to be able to express yourself without everyone you love picking on you
because your different
I hope I never do that to you
May god struck me with lighting if I do!
Poetry is my only time to be me
So my child, whatever way you choose to express yourself
Do it
Expose yourself to the world
Let them see who you really are
And if they do not accept you
Then accept yourself
Remember this
When you are my age
Writing about yourself
To earn money to achieve your dreams
Because I was here too
I know what it is like to be lost
And I know I will not be lost forever
All I need to do is be me
Free without the constricting rules of society
Your future mother