Dear Country
Dear Country,
What more could you want from me
You already have my heritage
My ancestors
My rights
What more is there to take?
Is it the hope you have stolen from past generations?
The hope of the millions of people who have come to know your New Colossus and
Golden gates
Like the serpent who tricked Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
Its body twisting and turning, acting as a barrier to every tempest tossed that dares step foot in the land of the free
Or maybe it's the promise of protections you never get to see
Haunting you like a nightmare you can never wake from
America sleeps not because it's tired, but because reality suffocates those who do not escape it
When will our home of the brave step up and help the new kids on the block?
The only thing that separates them from you is time
You cannot change the past dear country, yet you can create a vastly different future