Dear College
Dear College,
It's funny how a choice,
Made at such a young age,
Is able to show the voice,
Of who we will become.
Just think- where we go, who we will be be, how we end up,
It's all riding on you.
Do I go far away?
Do I stay close to home?
Do I go for what's cheapest?
I'm waiting for these answers to be known.
I know your job is to get us ready for the real world,
Your responsibility to care,
However, you came at us so quick,
Before we even knew you were there!
Us kids, graduates of 2018,
We've learned a lot,
We're ready for you,
Going out to chase our dreams.
While some may find you stressful,
Know this,
You change the way we live.
College, you've got it all in store.
Our futures are in your hands.
Be kind, be patient, be ready.
2018 will be remembered,
Work hard,
And, most importantly, succeed.
With Gratitude,