Dear 2021:

Sat, 12/25/2021 - 14:41 -- C. Bear

Dear 2021:


I want to say thank you; for the laughs, the tears, and the friends who are true.


You saved me from a world I was lost in; and showed me possiblitlitys of a world where I win.


But you made me promise to always be kind; To be only myself, no comprimise.


To be beautiful and confident and so self assured; And now I understand this promises' worth.


So thank you to this year from the bottem of my heart; Thank you for the lessons from which I will never part.


Thank you for allowing me time to grieve; Time alone to get back on my feet.


Thank you for being one of my worst years yet; Some of the most wonderous things came from you so I can't be too upset.


With Love From A Girl Looking Towards The Future With Hope <3


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