Dead Ends
Running through stone mazes
Searching desperately for an exit
Met with a brick wall each time
Smooth stones
Dusky red in color
Innocently stacked there
With no idea of their implications
Impossible to climb
Impossible to break through
Turn back
Make another attempt
While knowing it’s still futile
And knowing it will always be
Pounding fists
Onto another mocking end
Retracing steps
And trying again
Leaping up to try to catch a hold
On something
That will aid in escape
Fragments of brick brushed off of hands
But no headway made
Try try again
As if it makes a difference
Give up
Turn back
Turn back
Nowhere to turn back to
Nowhere to go
Nothing to do
But do it again
Try again
Try again
An endless loop
A completed circuit
Positive to negative
Round again
Positive to negative
Try again
Another brick wall
Another flat surface
Faced with dead ends
But no way to end it
Running circles
The walls taunting
The ends laughing
At the attempts of their hostage
Their prisoner
Their endless entertainment
A fruitless search
Stretching into infinity
Sliding down to the ground
Disregarding the grime
Head in hands
Tears speckling the dirt
Darkening it
Staining it
Quiet crying
Disrupting the silence
Lifting head
In solemn defiance
To watch in silent awe
As the wall slides back
Revealing the robin’s egg sky beyond
Stepping through
Silhouetted behind