A Day Without Judgement
Wake up today,
Think of a day
When u were not judged or made fun of
There is always something wrong
But you have to rise above
You're either too fat too skinny too dumb too smart weird boring short or too tall
I just don't understand this at all
No one is perfect obviously
Their words, faces, or judgmental comments
Are not worth crying for
They do not even know you or what you've been through
This world is a messed up place
With our human race
Making people feel ugly
There is beauty in everyone
If everyone was blind
Everything would be different
No more hurtful comments
No more pain tears and suicidal thoughts
Just love
We would all be perfectly perfect in our own ways
How about that
The world has lots of jealous people
Don't listen to what they say
You are better than them
Only until the day u become one of them
Don't surround yourself with people that put you down
Hang with people who accept you
Who care
This is just a phase
When u grow older you will see
It won't matter how u dress or look
But on who you are
Always remember
How badly it hurts to be put down
before you begin to make judgements