day by day by day
I posted my first song about you
It used to be celebratory
Now it's inflammatory
It shouldn't be
I saw midnight from the comfort of my sheets
I should have been in your arms
She was there instead
You dirty liar.
Seventeen trips around the sun
A failed driver's test
A hole in my school shirt
People seem to like my song
Whatever, mercury's in retrograde anyway.
Yeah, sure you can text me
I really wanna hear you say how some trivial thing is more important than mental illness
I really wanna hear more excuses
It’s 7:30 in the morning, you piece of slimy trash
I'm an aspiring journalist & lawyer, I will bury you with facts and evidence
Did mercury leave retrograde yet?
A glimmer of hope
This crazy lady can drive
Clear the roads
She's mad and can legally drive a weapon.
The first time I've ever made an entrance
Your girl & her friend stared
Surprise Surprise
Oh and look
Dramatic irony
You sing of subtlety and what used to be
It felt good to know I was on your mind
But that triumph melted into fury
You're an embarrassment.
Watch me sing
Watch me dance
Watch me pretend everything is normal
I'm sure you love that I'm in the background
But you haven't seen all my successes
You should be up here with me
You should know all these things
God, you make me sick.
You sang again
You nearly ruined my favorite song
You didn't though
We came full circle
Start to finish
"The plot doesn't develop, it ends where it begins"
Net distance traveled: 15 feet
(I sat on the other side of the church)
I finally feel free.
Apologies after apologies after apologies
"Didn't have the guts"
In the wise words of Beyoncé, I'm just too much for you
I looked damn good
I felt even better
But as usual, you creep back in and ruin my day
Just please grow up and out already, thanks.
I cut all of my hair off
The curse is broken
A whole three months go by without a trace of you
I'm working a job I love
I'm traveling to places I never want to leave
I know who I am, who I want to be, where I want to go
I'm eating burgers every week
I'm going to concerts and parties
Me, me, and only me.
The next four months are like this
I am working hard
I try to find love again, but no one is like you
It's a blessing and a curse
I dream about you coming back, but I push those thoughts away
I have this gut feeling you'll pop up again
But it's all okay
Day by day by day until there is no more you
I'm finding excitement in politics & music & art
(Even though your garbage candidate won. Screw you, I'm blaming the downfall of America solely on your caucasian, privileged, conservative shoulders)
But I am soaking in so much love, light, and happiness that there is no room for you anymore
Auld Lang Syne and let it die
2017 isn't ready for me