A Day Before the Darkness
I am constantly pursued by malignant fiends.
They find me when I hide, expressing their hatred.
Finally I asked them what I did to be demeaned,
To be scorned, to be constantly run into the ground.
They replied in a way I did not expect, saying
“You, Skyler Hope, would be the end of us
If you realized who you really are
And stood up to fight our God-forsaken souls.”
“If you quit hiding,” another chimed in,
“And started fighting with all your grit,
We couldn’t stand a fraction of a chance
Against your power, your light, your might.”
Could it be true? I wondered, yearning
Yearning for serenity and an end to black
I try to think of a day before the darkness,
but the cursed fade to black blocks it all.
Searching, I found the book I always had
Crying out, I discovered the Savior I took for granted
They brought me the light I desired
They healed the afflictions I was bearing.
The devils don’t stop coming
And sometimes they still win a battle
But I began to stand and fight
And now I know my potential light.