In the Darkness

In the late and early hours

Pitch black engulfs my surroundings,

It tarnishes the once exulting and enchanting trees,

With a sombre shroud.


I ponder the various atrocities,

All are very new to me,

As I discuss with myself: 

‘What keeps people sane?’


Businesses and work,

The supposed sacrifice for a better off family,

Dominate lives

Granting their performers an artificial meaning.


Human benevolence is consistently

Exploited as a weakness

By those whose greed

Aggressively rips apart moral codes and teachings.


Some even resort to escaping this bubble that is life,

To see if the other side really is better

Some push others through; some drag others with themselves

All to be exempt from the bubble’s interior


Five years ago I would have soundly slept,

But now I am aware of humanity,

Awakened to its flaws, as I sit here

In the Darkness

This poem is about: 
Our world


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