
Once again I feel all alone. Abandoned. Left to float like the first snowfall of winter, into this dark abyss. A void that ends with nothingness, just the same as it began. I have felt this way before; its not a new feeling. This feeling of being lost and wanting to be anywhere but here. It actually happens probably more than it should. Not knowing which way is up, which way is down. Lost in this strange black sea. The only thought in my mind is this... The thought of being saved; saved from this dark lightless world and being brought into the serenity, the peacefulness, of morning. Where the light shines upon a new day, to start over and begin anew. 

Once the sunrise hits the horizon; I will be surrounded by people, yet only caring about one. Eyes sparkle and coldness lingers, rapped up in the arms of the one I love most. A smile on my face with my head on his chest. I can hear hearts beating, his and mine, as I hold him close never wanting to let go, just as he's holding me, but knowing parting will come sooner than we can imagine. I cling to him, like a little girl does her dad when she doesn't want him to leave home. Wishing I could stay in that moment forever; my eyes locked on his. The taste of his lips still linger on mine. I have so much running through my mind, so much that I want to say yet I cant find the right words to say. Nothing seems worthy of my feelings for this boy. Nothing I say can even compare to what I feel inside. So, I just keep staring back at him. My hand laced with his, I squeeze. I feel the sadness wash over me knowing the time I have left is very thin, but wanting to make it last as long as I can. I lean in for the only thing I can think of to express myself other than words. I press my forehead to his, and close my eyes. Wishing I could pass on these thoughts, but knowing that is impossible; theres not much else to do. I tilt my head just the slightest and press my lips to his, in hunger and passion. Wanting, no, needing him to stay next to me. Not just today or tomorrow, but forever. To keep this freedom I have finally found, but without him, I just as easily could lose it. And without this freedom, I will end up right back where this story began. In a dark abyss, like fresh falling snow. Waiting for a new day to begin.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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