It's funny how sometimes the stars look sad
All the way over there, so far away
In another galaxy
They say when you look up at the sky
You see ages galore
Some stars are even dead.
I see wisdom up there
Right by the moon
I see, when there's a crescent moon,
A Cheshire Cat smile
The pearly white teeth reduced to yellow
The eyes are the stars
I see the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper
I see the northern star
I even see Venus-or was it Mercury?- up high
It's beautiful
The sharp contrast of white from black
But somehow, on some desolate nights
I feel sadness
The flowing wind
The sway of the trees, they add an eerie feeling to an already sad sky
I let a tear fall sometimes
Down my cheek, dropping into the valley of my Breasts
It's beautiful, yet so sad
Sometimes I talk to the aged sky
I tell it my dreams, my fears
And sometimes I scream at the maternal sky
Shouting, letting the bottled up rage out
Oh it hurts
Holding in my secrets
But it feels amazing to confide in the night sky
It feels like the stars and the Cheshire Cat are listening
I get chills sometimes
The hair on my back stands up straight like a U.S. Militant saluting the president
When the warm tears dry cold,
I smile
It's creepy, smiling like that in the darkness
I always wonder if anyone's looking
If anyone's wondering why I'm so sad
I'm not sad though, that's what they wouldn't know
I'm the happiest when I'm under the night time sky
It's funny how something that looks so sad, can hold a millennium of happy thoughts.
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