What you see is only one side of me.
The outside seems to be full of glee
But the inside is completely different
That I can guarentee.
Worries, Worries, Worries
Fill my head in sequential flurries.
While I am lying in bed
Over my head and heart darkness buries.
"The world is better without you;
your friends and family are too,"
Says that little voice inside me head
That sticks around like glue.
"You'd be better off dead;
why not leave while you're still in bed,"
Crying does nothing to alleviate
The feelings that have started to spread.
Don't worry. I don't plan to kill myself
But I wouldn't care if someone else
Just came along and took the life
My parents raised through eighteen-years of strife.
Until the day I die
I will choose to at least try
To help anyone I can
And not let my soul go awry.