My Love you danced for the girl next to me
I was hurt but i couldn't tear the program
I couldn't look away from this beatiful dance
I could not hate it
I love the way you dance
But I wondered why i couldn't leave
I came day after day
Watching you dance for that girl
Then a new day came and you were the same
But the girl was gone
The whole audaiance was gone
I looked up and saw you were dancing
Not for her
Not for anyone else
Except me
Why do you dance for me?
Why dancer?
Then you reached out your hand
Nervous at your touch
My face became red
Reder than anything in the world
You lifted me up and your scent wifted up
I could smell the blossoms
Your eyes were soft and pircing
As I stood onto my feet for you
I started to dance
I danced for only you
Only you my love
You sat there
My heart jumped
Jumped for
For my love you placed in there
My love
Won't you watch me
Watch me dance for you
Watch how much I love you
Watch how much I will do for you
Go through any challange
I will never lose my trust in you
My heart could be stomped and crushed
By you
You can ban me from your performace
But my love
I will always keep my performace for you
Only you
So please love
Accept me