Déjà Vu Couple
A Déjà Vu Couple is a typical break up to make up couple
I can't judge anyone cause I am a victim of doing this to
Some things need to change but they never do
The worst thing about these situation is when it involves you two
I've notice a pattern you two got going on
Its like my music is suck on repeat and I'm hearing the same song...
But when y'all come and ask me how I feel thats when Déjà Vu gets real
It takes me back to my parents who are no longer together
I thought it would get better like I thought it would with you to
But that second time proved me wrong once again Déjà Vu
I see y'all reconnecting more than friends once again
I don't know how far it will go but if its a relationship lets just hope three times the charm
And if I say or act like I don't care please don't be scared/worried or alarmed
Please don't be mad, sad, or hurt either
I'm so close to you two and yes maybe one more than the other
And when y'all broke up, y'all didn't even wana talk to each other
It makes me feel worst than depressed seeing pain come from both my sister and brother
I can't handle it.....I don't want you to get hurt
But if you're sure what you're doing is the right choice then I will cope and make it work..
And if this brings you happiness then don't think about me
Because being happy is one thing I want you to be