Cygnus Astratus
Taking a reminiscent trip down memory lane
To the time of my origin from the egg which I came
A baby I was born, a plus size from than the rest
Teased first for obesity is something hard to confess
When it came to hide-n-go-seek in the dark, tag, and other play
"You always win cause you are different," they say
These words I was now used to...or so I thought
A build up of tears is something I always fought
Mom used to take us children to the square
Imagine all the hustle and bustle coming to silent stares
"Mom why do they look amazed?"
Response, "Envious the amazing young cygnet I raised!"
Witnessing austere look deep in momma's eyes
It took me a while to find out that these were plain lies
Hens would ask chipper questions about my goals and talk fast about the weather
The playful ducklings would pull and ruffle my feathers
"So pretty for a black bird," the younglings would quack
Mayor Farmer would snicker, give me a nudge, pat on the back
I thought I was in, accepted, and all was serene
Then the most amazing occurrence, a beautiful nightmare shattered my dream
"I always loved you, and you are one of a kind."
"I have to now admit that that you are not a child of mine."
My heart shriveled into a surreptitious twist
Everything which was lucid, now shrouded in the lake's thick uneven mist
The square was now an exceedingly tortuous of places
All I could see were judgemental stares on the former awe stricken faces
Whispers among the crowd, the questions from hens now pecking interrogations
The playful ducklings now feeling like cannibalistic lacerations
"So pretty for a blackbird," synonymous to, "You don't belong you ugly twit."
Diabolical laughs from Mayor Farmer followed by jabs, hits, and kicks
I was done
The place I once loved and called home, now a prison yard
Continually feeling like I was fresh game followed by the barrel of a gun
So I snuck past the guard
Escaped from the penitentiary of the fugazi
On my own, philosophizing about life
Still shackled conscious, Was my being born just not right?
Peering into my dark complexion, "Look at what you caused me!"
I lay slumped in heap, lying among Aussie streets
Dying from the scalding sun, wishing I could hide but nowhere was there to run
A group of the most dignified passed me by
Then one stopped entrancing me by eyes
Days on end my mind peered into the image like a still lake
If I could be anything I would be them, an embodiment of me as them
Just put everything at stake...wait...
The thought became dim
There was nothing else to lose, what was known as myself was shattered
A leap of faith was taken, nothing else mattered
The world caught me harder than a free falling plane
Explosively showing that there was no need for the pain
The world held a mirror before my gaze
Weeps escaping from my throat realizing I had wasted so many days
Tears racing past for the ignorant days now gone
That I was the most elegant thing there ever was; a divine black swan