Cyan Blue
I never see you anymore.
The smell of it filters in.
It comforts me,
Representing all that might've been.
You were like a river.
So is this blue:
Resilient, persistent, dangerous,
And yet to be exhumed.
You were like the sky:
Expansive, transparent, and cloudy.
I know it contradicts
But it's exactly what I mean.
You were like depression,
Twins with this hue.
Deep, smothering, difficult
And my nails are an ode to you.
On your bed
Breathing in chemicals.
My toes will match my hands.
I should trim my cuticles.
This blue means so much to me now;
It's yours, you touched it like I am.
Oddly, I feel closeness to it;
A strange bond with this cyan.