Crying in fear
I stand up for him, I'm there for him, I'm the perfect wife you could ask for, I cook your favorites, I loved you, You romance me when we first met, But you hurt me, I cry, I cry, I scream, But there is no body to help me, I feel powerless, I feel as though I'm dying inside, I lost all my breathe, You tell me that you gave me everything, No matter how hard I fight back, I become more scared, I cry more, Scared for my life, All you do is drink what brings out the monster in you, Beware of those eyes, The violation you show when you destroy, I think through my thoughts, Why are you hurting me? Why do you continue hurting me? I ran away when I could as the wind, Running far away from the monster, Still crying, Still scared, Still wondering when I will be safe, I can only hope where when I run off to, I can only pray what the Lord can do, When he leads me, Still sacred as it would be part of my skin to show, My thoughts never forget as a repeat, Trying to forget, Staying far away from him as much as I can like another country.
Guide that inspired this poem: