Cross Country Runner
I am a Cross Country Runner
We don’t quit,
And we never stop.
I am a Cross Country Runner
We can run forever
Because we run from our pasts.
I am a Cross Country Runner
We run the first mile with our minds,
The second with our strength,
And the third with our hearts.
I am a Cross Country Runner
We strive to show our skill
But the world does not see it.
I am a Cross Country Runner
Our pace is sure,
And our path is clear.
I am a Cross Country Runner
We run when our minds are shredded,
When our strength is lost,
When our hearts are broken.
I am a Cross Country Runner
I’m surrounded by a family,
We train together,
Run together,
Compete together,
Breathe together.
I am a Cross Country Runner
A member of the elite,
Fighting for a prize.
I am a Cross Country Runner
We will never die,
Our legend will live on.
I am a Cross Country Runner
We prove to the world
That pain can be beaten
I am a Cross Country Runner
Isn’t that all I need to say?