Crescent Moon
She is a crescent, a crescent moon
Half hidden, half revealed
Her heart tasted burden, now it has put up a black shield
Everybody thinks she's bold, bright, and never up for any wrong.
But her mistakes filled her mind.
She knows the guilt will always be her blind.
Wherever she goes she lights up the sky,so other stars wouldn't have to hide.
Because she knows to well the agony of self-doubt
Part of her always in the dark, she wish she could shout.
But no, she can't the world is looking.
What if they see the scars hidden behind layers of black space.
For all those years the scar of a child abuse case.
What about those times when she couldn't let go.
She was an addict of mission desperation to fill the hole inside her heart .
No she can't show her full face, because she is just at her young start.
The marathon is hard to run against the world.
The World is on its' orbit, always increasing its' pace.
She is hoping to spin fast enough catch up the race.
And be a full moon one day.