"Creations" by Nina Rueda
It’s the one thing humans despise, yet can’t survive without. Advice, brought up from the depths and given away as if its worth means that ten times less of gold.
Our creations are too stubborn to accept it
The road ahead lies in two directions:
Not left or right-
Nor up or down,
But rather the advice they frown upon and the downfall of their existence.
They treat it like a puppet on a string
Yet it guides them to the essential living.
Our creations are too prideful to accept it.
Prometheus, a human creation. You do not steal fire, but only take granted the words we offer.
And still, the words are distinguished in your brain as easily as the humans put out the fire your soul so loves to give them.
Why allow the ones who turn down the best gift in the world, to ruin a natural element.
If they as individuals stray away from the astute minds that have built them where they are, they as youthful pride will not get anywhere.
They have cultural and real opportunities,
Yet, decide to ignore the instructions and become infected by the plague only they have further spread.
Our creations are too blind to accept it.
And without sight, they say our senses are more heightened with the absence of another.
Still, our creations decide to not listen,
Continues to ignore,
Fights the balance because they are too prideful and blind.
Humans, they say, are the most distinguished ones of them all.