The Creation of Tomato Sauce
The world of flavor, so empty and devoid of life,
But then, Aha! Here is the creator!
Descending from his saucy throne,
His noodly appendages waving all about,
He has come to create balance,
Enough food for the man, and enough man to behold the food,
He calls out, the gluttons following close behind their butter covered king,
They watch as he lifts his divine pasta,
He reaches out to the body, which has no soul,
And touches his finger, bringing flavor and life to once empty shell,
Hazah! Now a follower, to worship and praise our great noodle,
For he is the pasta, the parmesan, and the meatball,
He has brought life to the land which was once vegan,
His creation rejoices and worships the flying spaghetti monster,
Calling out “Our pasta, who art in colander, draining be thy noodles!”
But there was an animal rights activist hiding in a tree, it called itself “PETA”
It said to knew the way, and all Adam needed to do, was eat from the tree of salad,
And he did, he became a vegan and began to wear clothes void of all wool,
When our great Noodliness came to see him, he realized what Adam had done and was disappointed, for he had boiled for our sins,
Flying Spaghetti Monster had came down to Earth, and used much energy, just to be betrayed