Creating Worlds
Mountains rise by my command
Proudest peaks from barren land
Mighty, yes, but not forever
Reduced to rubble by my hand
Water flooding, lapis blue
Buries mountains land once knew
Creatures lurk deep in this sea;
Scaly things of vibrant hue
By water’s edge twist tangled vines
Densest jungle grows entwined
Deep amongst reclusive beasts
Lay shrouded temples, lost to time;
Monuments to centuries past
Shrines to gods whose mold I cast
I craft their tales, make empires rise
Then vanish them, too weak to last
Vast worlds appear from empty space,
Giving void a concrete face
I weave the stars, spin time anew
Then twist it, change it and retrace
To this realm, I hold the key
Created and destroyed by me
I am gatekeeper, architect
And when I write, these realms are freed