I fell agian
I hung on to your every word
Hoping everything you said was t
But of course it wasn't
So here I am again
Looking stupid and alone
You told all the time
" Your a certified bad bitch, you could steal a dude's heart quick"
We obviously I can't
I wanted you to want me in every way possible
And yeah you wanted me alright
You wanted my body, my temple
And I gave it to you thinking you were the one
When am I going to wake up and realize fairytakes are for children
Adults live in the horrific reality of you can only be loved if
your ass is fatter than Nicki Minaj
The reality of lust is the equivalent to
love and affection
I now understand what certain young women
act the way they do
As though they had warning tags connected to the back of there neck saying:
No emotion
Just sex
No feelings are to be caught
No hugs
No kisses
No cuddling
Just sex
When we are done please get up , collect your shit and leave
Thank You