Now I'm not political. I dont vote. Not even old enough to have taxes to do. But some things have been said that simply aren't true. Now i'm not Mexican. But I am a minority of a minority Black, Hispanic ,Native ,woman and left handed too. So it pains my heart to see a color smeared and not given the ability to do what it was made do. Paint, make art , enhance,renew.
You see ,we are a large few. And you claim that it is us that do what I have seen other people do. But smearing white on paper will never raise an eye, yet know this day you will rue.
Like I said we are a large few.
You see ,there are many different shades of colors but only one for you.And excuse me ,but it's true, every magazine that I read and radio station that I listen to always talks about the white man and what he's been up to.