Step into the classroom. First day of school. Nervous. Nervous. Tug on the dress, pull on the curls.
Find the best seat, wait for the important people to arrive.
Waiting, waiting, waiting.
Chews on her nails to pass the time and ease the nerves.
Take a deep breath as she hears the first pitter patters coming towards her.
Their tiny squeals of excitement pinging off the walls up to the ceiling and back down to the floor. Quietly she gets up, and stands off to the side.
She isn't quite sure what to feel, what to think.
What they will think. Her nerves are fogging up her brain..
And then, the first burst of giggles and sweet honey bounce into the room.
They squeal with excitement, it is the first day of kindergarten after all.
She watches intently from her quiet corner as more and more giggles and honey fall into her presence.
The once enormous classroom seems much smaller with all the bodies filling its walls.
She smiles and with her calmest, most controlled voice, coos, "Sit down where your nametag is children."
With wide bright eyes, frazzled with excitement and awaiting adventure, they all peer up at her, waiting.
She looks into each face, taking in its innocent beauty. Loving each freckle, each eyelash, each individual child.
These children staring up at her, relying on her, trusting her without knowing her, they are angels personified. The closest to Heaven she's ever been.
She is taken aback, and must steady herself.
This love she feels is uncontrollable already. They are each one in their own, her own children.
She has them get their fresh-out-of-the-box sharp crayons out, and has them color a self portrait of themselves.
She tells them, "Show me your happy face. Draw it. You can make it any color. It does not have to be real life colors."
As she weaves through the tables full of tiny hands scribbling ferociously, all she can do is look around and smile at all the crayons around her.