Cracks in the Sidewalk
“Step on a crack
Break your momma’s back.”
That’s what they’d chant,
All the kids on the block.
We’d go around on tiptoes
Avoiding the fractures;
Like walking on glass.
It meant so much to us,
The thought of mommy in pain.
Or maybe it was just a silly old game.
Doesn’t really matter now,
Does it?
We’re all adults,
We grew up fast.
All day every day
We walk right over those cracks.
Yet they’re not simply there
Might they mean something else?
Are we all blocks in a sidewalk?
Aren’t we all cracked?
Some of us are;
Certainly none are unblemished.
Others are stained
Sticky with gum
Littered with dirt.
We all have some flaw
Hidden or not.
The sidewalk is no longer a play place;
The sidewalk is our own imperfect lives.