Cool fire

The power of words is not all I have-

I could beat the living shit out of you,

after all I worked with horses

and bullies and fear-

but my feelings always get in the way there.

How would your parents feel?

What did your girlfriend do to deserve a vegetable?

So I rarely do.


Words, however, allow me to explain,

allow me to manipulate what you see.

Your senses are set,

but your perceptions are off,

so you never know what you're really seeing:

A frail, fearful girl?

Or a hesitant, powerful warrior?

Or a smart kid with a hyperagressive streak?

Or a very kind young woman?


Even I don't know anymore.

But that's why I get very anxious at the least loss

of my words.


terreo, mihi terrendum sum, nesciri.

terreo ne potessem dicere.

terreo ut omnes me terreant.

sed non terreo ut amem te,

because if it was true, that would be amazing,

and it isn't true anyway.




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