Conversations With My Brain in Bed
When I lay in bed
My brain thinks of everything but
It’s like, dude I want some pancakes right now
But I’m not feeling banana
Or cinnamon streusel so let’s do something new
If I mix a ¼ cup of strawberry syrup
With a ½ cup of strawberry jam
And a ¼ cup of strawberry preserves
Into my pancake mix will that make strawberry pancakes?
Or a hot sugary sweet
Pink, flat and nasty
My brain likes to get all philosophical and stuff
It likes to pretend it’s Pluto or Socrates talking like
Alright, so they tell me the world is round
By that logic, if I keep walking one way
I’ll just come back the other way around, right?
That’s okay, but they tell me to walk forward
With purpose
Because there’s no other way to go
But that will put me right back where I started
In the first place
So I’ll just walk in diagonal
Sure eventually I’ll come back to where I was
But it’ll give me a hecka more time to screw up
Before I get back to where I’m “supposed to be”
My brain gets passionately pissed about the weirdest things
At the most random times like
Hey remember My Very Educated Mother Just Sent Us Nine Pizza
Oh excuse me NASA I mean, My Very Educated Mother Just Sent Us Nine
Nine what? The children born later than 2004 will never know
Fuck you NASA
Pluto is a planet
You found, named, and unnamed
That poor sun of a bitch before it made one
Rotation around the sun
That sucker took off in a race thinking it was racer
Then y’all said SWERVE
Hold on son,
You know you’re just a water boy
By what definition is Pluto not a planet
Oh it’s too small
Bitch, have you even seen Mercury
That thing is like a shriveled up raisin
Put in a pan, and in the over at 475 degrees
For two hours until it's golden burnt
To shrivel up some more
And then put in a food dehydrated once more
Pluto can’t sustain life?
Sweetheart have you seen Jupiter
The thing is a giant ball of gas
Do you know how hard it would be to sustain life
On a ball of gas
If you don't know cupcake yourself homie
Go to Japan and become a professional
Fart Smeller
No not a smart feller
A literal Fart Smeller
But then again what kind of life are we talking here
Obviously they can only live on earth
They are earthlings
Human beings
Not Mars things
We’d never be able to survive on
Saturn’s rings
And then it likes to embarrass me
Remember that time
Like 3 months ago
When you were singing that song
And that cute guy was like
That’s a catchy song what is that
And you COULD have said
Oh it’s an indie singer I found a couple days ago
But instead you said it was from Backyardigans
And when he didn’t know what you were talking about
You COULD have said it’s an old show from South Africa
You wouldn’t know it
But instead you said
That animated show with the dancing animals
It was during the episode where they went to mars
And Alicia Keys played the Martian
And she taught them the word boinga
And yea You just kept going?
The funny thing is
I can’t help but answer my brain
Every. Single. Time
Yea I remember that, what about it
Nothing. I just like making you cringe.
Right as I’m getting sleepy
Wallowing in self pity
Over the 10 other embarrassing moments my brain loves to remind me
It never fails to remind me one last thing
Alright, alright, alright,
Last time,
All jokes aside,
You remember that time you were watching Brain Games
And they asked you what color the leaf was
And you said Green obviously
But the answer was everything but
They told you that something that appears to be green or yellow or purple
Is actually every color but
It’s just reflecting what it does not want to be
Remember that when you look in a mirror
And see something you don’t like
Sure that is "your reflection"
But it's everything you’re not