Conversation with a maiden
Today I met a lovely girl
Who ensnared me with many a black curl,
And her tempting eyes, Nature's green
Such beauty transcends the Pyrenees,
Yet she is an open fruit
Thus my judgment did refute,
Though I asked her a simple thing
Such is the question I did sing:
"Fairest star, you shine too bright,
Why not live your life right?
Right, away from the left,
Perhaps playing tunes of unmatched cleft?
Your life is yours to make,
Yet you allow the filth to coagulate,
I ask why you choose your Life naive?
Why your Life on knees and sinful need?"
To this the jewel did reply
With a meant to clarify:
"You speak to me of my ply and trade,
But what of the chains you've made?
All the pain
All the stains
On 'your' Life
On 'my' strife
Your knowledge brought to an end
The dreams you cheri-shed,
You say 'my' Life is unjust,
But, pray you, tell me thus:
Does not your role
Affect more than one joyful vagabond soul?
'My' Life's extravagant flavor,
And 'your' Life's infallible nature,
Are both directly intertwined,
Just as are all the words which you rhyme,
For how could such a treasure be cut out for each?
We may be stars, but It is the reach,
It holds us, not we It,
The contrary is mortal arrogance.
If this Life is mine,
Then what Life is left for thine?
Was life destined to be enslaved by many besides us two?
Nay, rather one we all share, me and you."
I gazed at her awaiting more, but up, up away she did soar,
And took her celestial place,
As the most luminous on Night's face,
Just as all the angels do radiantly reside there,
Do one Life all mortals unconsciously share.