The Contradictions Of An American Society
If silence is the most effective weapon, then ignorance is the bullets.
If Christianity is founded up being a "good person", than none of us are getting into Heaven.
If words are as strong as an M16 ;; than actions should be called AK47's.
&&* if swagg was introduced to a specific "culture" ;; it's like saying i'll wear K-Swiss over a pair of OG 11's.
If "music" is techno beats with hot pink hair wings and fake asses,
then i'll take my chances of being classy & listen to classic Mozart and raise my wine glass.
If speaking your mind is a battle field, then having legitimate conversation is just a war zone.
We label eachother before we know who we are ourselves, & try to patch it up with a smiley Emoji on our Iphones.
See, our culture is so outdated. It makes me wonder how I was raised in a world like that.
Kinda like how everybody voted for Obama because his skin color, not just because they were Democrat.
It's like we'd rather hand our children a mixed tape, instead of handing them a bible.
& we teach them to make choices like an Avenger ;; instead of teaching them to LEAD & FOLLOW like a "Disciple."
We are so quick to call rape on a young woman. & blame the consequences on "GOD."
Yet at 14 her mother allows her to carry condoms, take birth control pills, and wear water bra's.
They teach sex education the year we hit the 8th grade.
But yet, we cannot even say a prayer over our food, at the cafeteria lunch table?
We can't say in "God We trust" yet we continue to spend currency?
They teach us all about the founding of America, Christopher Columbus, but never the true definition of LIBERTY.
We cannot recite the pledge of allegience in school, because we are no longer a nation "UNDER GOD."
We are restricted by government, damed by the law, everything this country was built upon is now a fascade.
I was once proud to be an American. But slowly this world has ironed up it's bars and trapped us in a "Liberal" penitentiary.
Sad, that I'm only 20 years old... But, I'm sorry... I don't feel like I'm living in the "Land Of The Free."
We are only "Home Of The Brave" for the troops that fight daily. In a war that could have been ended years ago, YET WE AS AMERICANS KEEP ON INVADING.
So I'm sorry Uncle Sam, there's only one reason I am becoming a soldier.
& that is to kidnapp America & bring her back to where we originially FOUND HER.
Hooah .