Consent: A Poem ||Kian
"Just look at it, please!"
His words repeated like a broken record,
the only echo placed after his was my disapproval,
Why would I want to bare my eyes to his snake?
His words kept echoing around my head, pleases leaving traces of lust.
He kept asking, his words bringing down my walls each time,
But like clockwork, I answered hard and simple, "No."
His words still continued, being spit out like a snowblower.
"Please, just look at it."
No, no, no, yes.
"but promise, you'll leave me alone"
My eyes cried at the sight I never wanted to see,
Fists curled into boulders, ready to lash out.
"Just touch it, please!"
A new song, but same skipping track.
my chorus played in a loud bang, "No, no, no."
"But promise you'll leave me alone afterward?"
Shaking hands meet the snake,
as his arm of vines wraps around my hand to keep it in place.
"Put your mouth on it, please!"
"No, no, no."
"But promise you'll leave me alone afterward?"
Head bent, gagging on the snakes head.
Mind reeling,
"I asked for it. I said no, but I still did it."
"I'll give you some payment tomorrow."
Payment? I didn't ask for this, I didn't ask for any of it.
I'm not a whore.