
Some say all things are connected. 

The trees are connected to the Earth,

We walk on the Earth and therefore how different are we from the trees?

"I Am The Walrus" comes to mind.

We are not special.

No one is special.

And in this fact, we are all the same.

We are all human.

We all bleed red.

We all have emotions.

We may come from different walks of life and have been through different situations,

But sometime, in some way or another, someone else has been through the same thing you are going through.

There's too many of us for this not to happen.

There will be too many of us for this not to happen.

No one is alone.

We all have beating hearts.

We all have brilliant brains.

It's a matter of how much we choose to grow is what defines us from one another.

One can be content with their white picket fence.

One can be content with living on the edge.

We are all beautiful shades and hues of colors no one can truly understand;

We are all blended.

We are all connected.

You are not alone.

This poem is about: 
Our world


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