Coney Island Lolita
Baby lookin' so pretty on the downtown scene
Roaming around like you are the fucking queen
Heading over to Coney Island for some fun, with your attitude in tow and little handgun
Your bright red sunglasses capture the attention of older men, cause you always had a thing for them
Drinking cherry 🍒 soda and playing pool, living your life; it must be cruel
Neon signs and flat rides buzz throughout the night, but you don't feel like going home
Strawberry 🍓 lollipop and a hundred dollar bill in your hand
Finding someone to give you a ride, cause you are the most glamorous girl in town
Walking the streets so mean by day and night at which opportunity looks you right in the eye
Having no problem lying to yourself because life has taught you well
Baby lookin' so pretty on the downtown scene
Leaving Coney Island, heading to sleep