A Complete 100 Floors

Scores of squeals inundated the atmosphere; clusters of people hugged each other close in utter pandemonium,

A billion beads of sweat trickled down petrified cheeks; as children took deep breaths in terrified exhilaration,

A heap of vegetables and fresh fruit lay completely squashed; housewives wailed in discordant unison about the scornful creases to their immaculate clothes,

Torn bits of heavily scented paper stuck to the ceiling; fluttering about incessantly with the gallant wind that infiltrated in through the doors,

Infinite bundles of hair stood up in untamed indignation; repugnantly refusing to sit down even after blissful calm had descended,

Boundless plumes of black smoke arose in the vicinity; with the disastrously dry coughing of the aged becoming all the more apparent as the agonizing minutes crept by,

The tiny floor seemed to be in a complete disarray; with a pool of tears blended with faint blood portraying a profoundly ghastly appearance,

The tales of remorse and dismay seemed to be gaining impetus; as the people inside felt escalated to the zenith of feverish excitement,

The lights flickered and faltered badly; with perennial darkness seeming to be a better option when compared to the continuously batting beams of flimsy bulb rays,

A battalion of unruly mosquitoes relished the splendid opportunity; perched and sucking blood with gay abandon from innocuously rubicund skin,

The hair on everyone's scalp seemed to protrude in spiffy animosity; as if freshly coming out from the heart of a swashbuckling war film,

All sense of judiciousness and prudent discerning; had now been replaced by unconquerable waves of morbid terror,

All food in the stomach had died a gruesome death; the most inconspicuous of desire to consume liquid incorrigibly refrained to arise again,

An innumerable fleet of pedestrians had gathered at the dismal scenario; expressing their sanctimonious sympathy; trying to mollify frazzled nerves with their armory of spurious smiles,

The entire network of bones in the body felt as if terribly jolted; the intricate cartilage inside felt as if it needed rebirth,

The string of useless thoughts which once bothered and circumvented the mind all night and day; now seemed to be single focused on feasible ways of escape,

The color of skin had metamorphosed to ashen white; the robust river of red blood had stopped flowing hours ago,

The hearts of those incarcerated inside; palpitated more violently than when they had just taken birth,

And you'd be astoundingly surprised at knowing the cause of this holocaust; the disaster which had rendered groups of impeccable humans grappling for their lives in the middle of brilliant daylight; had fomented more perspiration on the body than their was scarlet blood and bone,

As a matter of fact it was just a slim wire of soiled rubber which had snapped; engendering the magnificently colossal lift to plummet like streaks of white lightening towards the ground,

Bounce with a thunderously deafening thud on its cushioned mountain of soft and spongy springs; after traversing down a complete 100 floors of the tall building.


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