Coming Undone Before Your Eyes
I am here to undo my mistakes.
To let you enter my world
Since I made the mistake of leaving you out.
My life is not the easiest
But it's not the hardest one either.
I have a life where I can do what I want
But not be who I really am.
I have restrictions as to what i can show the world,
My family, my friends, my peers.
I have no right to show what I really feel
Without the pressure of the world
To mold me to who I am not.
I am here to come undone before your eyes.
To show you what I've been through.
About letting society get to my head.
And changing the way I think, dress, speak, live.
I am here to say what I have not been able to.
I am here to feel what I fell
And not have somebody breathe down my neck
Making me stay inside my shell.
I am here to show my life and how I am to be who I am.
I am here to say that I am not prefect.
I will not even come close.
But I can try and try as I might,
I know I will not achieve it,
So let it go.
Learn how to give up on useless people,
Useless ideas, useless items.
Just let me be and I will shine
Even if not how you wanted me to
But I will shine.
And I will remove my filter.
And I will live what life I want.
I will say what I say.
I will fell what I feel.
Without a filter.