Coming Out
You see me but only the outside and preconceived notions cloud your judgment of my reality.
I’m not trying to hide but,
I haven’t come out to you.
You couldn’t understand why I get so angry when you say illegal immigrant or when you justify by religion.
See I haven’t told you that I came from “immigrants” and how my uncle committed the biggest sin..suicide..
and me my hardest decision.
I haven’t come out to you about why I care so much about the rights of the LGBTQI and equality. Cuz To me sexuality and gender are on a continuum and we cannot deny feelings or emotion.
I haven’t told you about how I grew up in poverty
and how I’ve used education to rise above this cycle,
trying to not be a part of the 95% who get stuck, over and over again shit out of luck.
I haven’t come out to you about how gender affects me on the daily and how I’ve internalized racist comments and feel shame every time I walk into a room.
Not just any room, one with metal bars symbolizing the prison of oppressions that keep me down.
I haven’t shown you my hunger, my hunger for not just food that I can’t afford but also for systematic change.
My desire to not be left in the cycle of chains that statistics has destined me for.
Another female, latina, confused, lost and poor.
I haven’t came out to you but I’m coming out today.
La lucha sigue..
The fight continues