Digging underground to Passage, onward.
Sorting the forest from the trees.
Moving steadfast to Freedom’s Way.
Watching our backs on prostrate knees.
Reverencing wombs to heal carved scars.
Referencing wounds to decrypt who we are.
Studying the roots to master the future.
Timing each moment to measure the years.
Chains half done.
Gone, yet here.
Chains half done.
Gone, yet here.
Clear the path.
What’s needed has been given.
Walk the path.
What’s been given, we are living.
Honor the past.
Walk into the Ordained Beginning.
Pass on the past.
This promise is worth pledging.
Looking back to journey onward,
is life’s natural sprouting deed.
Victory’s germ has taken root,
and with the faith of a mustard seed
We are and always will be
a reflection of our ancestors:
Strong, Courageous, Rising!!!